When the FED increases interest rates by 75 basis points, the stock market is predicted to face turmoil and disarray. But since commercial real estate is not too volatile, passive investing is still a strong option in these trying times. Ava Benesocky and August Biniaz talk to Edward E. Brown of Pacific Private Money to discuss flexibility and versatility as the markets change. He presents alternative debt lending options when banks deny you and how to get the best rates during the height of inflation. Edward also discusses how their company adjusts to unpredictable market trends. He talks about setting their rates, getting their equity, and building strong investor relations.

Get in touch with Edward E. Brown:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edward-brown-16883832/

Website: https://www.pacificprivatemoney.com/

Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-best-of-investing/id1150160195

If you are interested in learning more about passively investing in multifamily and Build-to-Rent properties, click here to schedule a call with the CPI Capital Team or contact us at info@cpicapital.ca. If you like to Co-Syndicate and close on larger deal as a General Partner click here. You can read more about CPI Capital at   https://www.cpicapital.ca/. #avabenesocky #augustbiniaz #cpicapital